HEA 704: Periodic testing and inspection of electrical installations and issue report
Courses Announcement - Dates to be confirmed
This course aims to provide operatives with the knowledge and skills required for periodic testing and inspection of existing public lighting installations.
- Demonstrate the concepts of earthing, bonding and insulation as described in the regulations
- Define the purpose and difference of initial and periodic inspection and testing
- Use appropriate Test Equipment correctly and safely
- List the tests, test equipment and test methods
- Complete the appropriate and recognised report
- Explain the reasons for an appropriate record system
- Carry out periodic inspection and testing of various types of public lighting equipment
- Identify appropriate action for unsatisfactory result
- Record and report variations
Course Topics
- Hazards and risks
- On site precautions
- Electrical testing of existing public lighting installations
- Test methods and working practices
- Using Electrical Test Equipment
- Calculation of Earth Loop Impedance
- Types of reports used in public lighting
The assessment of this unit is based on an assessor observing the candidate's performance and questioning the candidate to ensure that their knowledge requirements meet the standard of this award.
To enable maximum learning and benefit from this course, there will a number of practical sessions and exercises. These will be both interactive and demonstrative to enhance the learning experience.
Course Certificate
This course carries an ETL issued certificate specifying compliance with HEA and ASLEC requirements
Price for this course: £130.00